Les 20 ans de CERALE – CERALE, 20 años – CERALE, 20 years – CERALE, 20 anos

photo 4 photo 3 photo 2 photo 1CERALE (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique latine Europe à ESCP Business School) a fêté ses 20 ans à la Maison de l’Amérique latine. Au programme, une introduction de Frank Bournois, suivie de la conférence «Amérique latine, 20 ans après» prononcée par Alain Rouquié, président de la MAL et du Conseil du CERALE, et consacrée aux principales mutations du sous-continent. En deuxième partie, une table ronde animée par  Florence Pinot de Villechenon a réuni les personnalités du monde des affaires Philippe DelleurHenri BruxellesFanny QUINTEROEdouard Macquart-Moulin et Guillermo Garza García pour une session consacrée aux regards croisés entre l’Amérique latine et la France/l’Europe. CERALE remercie les dirigeants d’ALSTOM, DANONE, METRON, NATURA et CEMEX d’avoir enrichi le débat avec leurs analyses et leur profonde connaissance des deux régions. Un film retraçant l’événement sera bientôt disponible sur youtube.

CERALE (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique latine Europe à ESCP Business School) celebró sus 20 años en la Maison de l’Amérique latine. El evento inició con una introducción de Frank Bournois, director general de ESCP Business School, seguida de una conferencia titulada «Amérique latine, 20 ans après» a cargo de Alain Rouquié, presidente de la MAL y presidente del Consejo de CERALE, centrada en los principales cambios del subcontinente. En la segunda parte, una mesa redonda moderada por Florence Pinot de Villechenon reunió a las personalidades del mundo empresarial Philippe Delleur, Henri Bruxelles, Fanny Quintero, Edouard Macquart-Moulin y Guillermo Garza García en una sesión dedicada a la encrucijada entre América Latina y Francia/Europa. CERALE agradece a los responsables de ALSTOM, DANONE, METRON, NATURA y CEMEX por haber enriquecido el debate con sus análisis y su profundo conocimiento de ambas regiones. Una película del evento estará proximamente disponible en youtube.

CERALE (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique latine Europe à ESCP Business School) celebrated its 20th anniversary at the Maison de l’Amérique latine. The event started with an introduction by Frank Bournois, CEO of ESCP Business School, followed by a conference entitled «Amérique latine, 20 ans après» by Alain Rouquié, President of the MAL and Chairman of the Board of CERALE, focusing on the main changes in the subcontinent. In the second part, a round table moderated by Florence Pinot de Villechenon brought together business personalities Philippe Delleur, Henri Bruxelles, Fanny Quintero, Edouard Macquart-Moulin and Guillermo Garza Garcia in a session dedicated to cross visions between Latin America and France/Europe. CERALE thanks the executives of ALSTOM, DANONE, METRON, NATURA and CEMEX for enriching the debate with their analysis and their in-depth knowledge of both regions. A film of the event will soon be available on youtube.

O CERALE (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique latine Europe à ESCP Business School) comemorou seu 20º aniversário na Maison de l’Amérique latine. O evento começou com uma introdução de Frank Bournois, Diretor Geral da ESCP Business School, seguida por uma conferência intitulada «Amérique latine, 20 ans après» por Alain Rouquié, Presidente da MAL e Presidente do Conselho do CERALE, concentrando-se nas principais mutações do subcontinente. Na segunda parte, uma mesa redonda moderada por Florence Pinot de Villechenon reuniu personalidades do mundo dos negócios Philippe Delleur, Henri Bruxelles, Fanny Quintero, Edouard Macquart-Moulin e Guillermo Garza Garcia em uma sessão dedicada à olhares cruzados entre a América Latina e a França/Europa. O CERALE agradece aos dirigentes da ALSTOM, DANONE, METRON, NATURA e CEMEX por terem enriquecido o debate com suas análises e seu profundo conhecimento de ambas as regiões. Em breve um filme do evento estará disponível no youtube.

INCAE Business School, European Seminar at ESCP : March & November 2022

In 2022, ESCP hosted two European Seminars for the Maestría Ejecutiva in Business Analytics & Data Management of INCAE Business School.

The seminars included lectures given by the ESCP faculty, the testimonies of companies, a round table organized by CERALE and the Economic Chamber of Mexico in France and visits to GLOBANT at Station F and Group CISO.



After 2 years of health crisis, the Executive MBA Emerging Markets Seminar was held on November 7 – 11 both on-site in Brazil.
The Brazilian seminar had been hosted by INSPER São Paulo and by FGV Rio de Janeiro. The programme of this unique and intense week included lectures, keynote speeches and debates addressing key issues of concern to business leaders, with a particular focus on sustainability.
This experience included visits to Gerdau unit in SP, the touching social activities performed by Instituto Anchieta Grajau and the Peabiru TCA foundation to boost wellbeing in Grajau district in SP, and concluded in Rio de with the Salgueiro Samba school, showing how passion can be a key driver.
A round table was organnized with Alumni living in Brazil who presented their vision of their Brazilian journey and some highlights regarding their professional, sectorial, cultural or personal insights and experiences: Thibault Sabatier (TOTAL), Arnaud Bert (JCDecaux), Olivier Capoulade (Omens) and Luigi Iervolino (BIP Brazil).

20ème Anniversaire du CERALE à la Maison de l’Amérique latine


ESCP Business School et la Maison de l’Amérique latine ont le plaisir de vous inviter aux 20 ans du CERALE (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique Latine Europe).

A cette occasion, Florence Pinot de Villechenon,Professeur à ESCP et Directrice Scientifique du CERALE organise une conférence-débat autour d’Alain Rouquié et de dirigeants d’entreprises pour un regard croisé sur «L’Amérique latine, vingt ans après».
Chers membres et amis du CERALE, nous espérons vous accueillir nombreux pour célébrer nos 20 ans.
La table ronde sera suivie d’un cocktail.

N’hésitez pas d’ores et déjà à réserver la date du 19 octobre.
n formulaire d’inscription vous sera adressé début septembre.


INSPER European Seminar at ESCP : April 11th-15th 2022

ESCP London and Paris campuses hosted INSPER’s European Business Seminar and its 12 participants. The program included lectures by the ESCP faculty,  business testimonials, a retail safari in London, a visit to La Caserne, a meeting with a Paris city councilor as well as a meeting with the Chambre de Commerce du Brésil en France, at the Brazilian  embassy.


Established in 1819, ESCP Europe is the world’s oldest business school and has educated generations of leaders and entrepreneurs.

With its five urban campuses in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, and Torino, ESCP Europe’s true European Identity enables the provision of a unique style of cross-cultural business education and a Global Perspective on international management issues.

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