
VIII Congresso da micro e pequena indûstria

FIESP 2013

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Seminario Cerale 2012 “Nuevos desafíos y enfoques sobre planeamiento estratégico en el sector público”


El 16 y 17 de julio, José Inostroza, Director Ejecutivo del Centro de Sistemas Públicos (CSP) y Javier Fuenzalida, Director de Investigación del CSP, participaron en el Seminario CERALE 2012 “Nuevos desafíos y enfoques sobre planeamiento estratégico en el sector público”.

Read more http://www.sistemaspublicos.cl/

Le Brésil et le Cône Sud dans la concurrence internationale

Le Brésil et le Cône Sud dans la concurrence internationale
6 jul 2012




From soon-to-graduate Julio BRANDAO (MS Marketing et Communication), currently working at Agence France-Presse (AFP):

Around 60 students of the Master in Marketing and Communications from the Paris and Madrid campuses came to Rio de Janeiro for their study trip.

As a former student of the same program, I was contacted by the Parisian master’s assistant, who asked me to help find companies to host them during their stay here in Rio.  I promptly offered to receive them at the AFP’s office.  The idea was to show them our facilities and tell them what we do and how we work in Brazil.

Karina Jensen, San Andrés

«Facilitating Global Innovation and Cross-cultural Collaboration: The
Role of Knowledge Governance Mechanisms in Conceiving and Executing
Innovation Strategies.»

Organizations are increasingly faced with the challenge of navigating
a dynamic marketplace that demands a rapid time to market,
customer-centric focus, and continuous innovation on a global scale.
The inability of geographically distributed teams to effectively share
and communicate relevant market information between headquarters and
local subsidiaries can result in a lack of product innovation, delayed
product introductions, and reduced sales and market opportunities.
This presentation addresses the organizational mechanisms that enhance
cross-cultural team interaction processes with the objective of
creating and sharing knowledge that contributes to successful product
introductions worldwide. In showing the interdependence of new product
planning and execution, the presentation shows a collaborative
framework that can help MNEs and managers effectively conceive and
execute innovation strategies. Drawing from resource and
knowledge-based views, this qualitative study involves interviews with
86 participating senior managers responsible for global product
launches and cross-cultural teams at 32 MNEs based in Europe, Asia,
and the US. The findings contribute to a conceptual model that
identifies knowledge governance mechanisms for facilitating the
conception and execution of global product innovation strategies.

Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique Latine Europe – Management des politiques et des projets culturels

© Phovoir

Pour comprendre la crise argentine

Sous la direction de Joëlle Chassin et Denis Rolland, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2002.

Cet ouvrage fournit de nombreuses clés pour comprendre la crise financière, économique, politique et sociale qui malmène et déchire l’Argentine. Des auteurs de spécialités, nationalités et opinions très variées étayent ou bousculent certaines perceptions ou analyses trop simplement établies. Cette publication est ainsi une introduction pertinente à la complexité de l’Argentine d’aujourd’hui.

Cahier d’Etude

An analysis of Mexico’s international competitiveness

Kay Hoffmann
Sous la direction de Florence Pinot de Villechenon

PDF: An analysis of Mexico’s international competitiveness

Jornadas Mexicanas del CERALE noviembre de 2011

Fete Entrepreneur (c) Mareike Besecke (13)-1 Fete Entrepreneur (c) Mareike Besecke (79) Fete Entrepreneur (c) Mareike Besecke (85)

Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique Latine Europe – Distribution et Comportements du Consommateur

© F. Renoir/CCIP


Established in 1819, ESCP Europe is the world’s oldest business school and has educated generations of leaders and entrepreneurs.

With its five urban campuses in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, and Torino, ESCP Europe’s true European Identity enables the provision of a unique style of cross-cultural business education and a Global Perspective on international management issues.

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