
ESCP Europe Alumni meeting at INSPER, São Paulo, October 22

In the framework of the Executive MBA Seminar in Brazil  CERALE (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique latine Europe) and CRESCENDO organised a pannel session with managers and Alumni operating in Brazil about
«Strategic Intelligence in Brazil : are there singularities in doing strategy in Brazil?»
With : 

  • Frédéric DONIER, Managing Partner CRESCENDO / Member of the Board CCIFB-SP and FrenchTech São Paulo
  • Raphael MANTOVANI,   Senior business development & strategy Manager – Schneider South America
  • Marcos GRASSO,  Senior Advisor /Head Eurazeo South America and Partner of M2G Advisors

Hospedar al mundo en la ciudad: los retos de las grandes exposiciones universales

Imagen: Inauguración del Palacio de Cristal por la Reina Victoria, 1851. Litografía: Louis Haghe.
Conferencia de Florence Pinot de Villechenon organizada por el Centro de Estudios de Arquitectura Contemporánea de la UTDT, l’Institut Français Argentine y la Embajada de Francia el 27 de septiembre de 2018
Presentación: Pablo ElinbaumAdyacencias

Verdaderos testigos de cada época, las grandes exposiciones internacionales se han forjado una identidad a lo largo de 175 años y, en la era de la globalización digital, siguen suscitando candidaturas por parte de las ciudades deseosas de albergarlas. Estas complejas y multifacéticas realizaciones movilizan competencias de toda índole (organizativa, urbanística, financiera, jurídica, comunicacional) y constituyen un poderoso vector de comunicación para las ciudades sede y sus respectivos países, así como una oportunidad para la planificación territorial. De allí que, en nuestra aldea global, se hayan convertido en un instrumento de reconocimiento y de influencia internacionales para sus organizadores. La conferencia propone una discusión respecto de los retos que presentan las grandes exposiciones internacionales en lo que respecta a la planificación territorial y cómo estos repercuten en la ciudad con vistas a Buenos Aires 2023.

MOOC «Doing Business in Europe», disponible en español y en francés

A todos aquellos interesados en desarrollar negocios en Europa les informamos que el  MOOC producido en y por ESCP Europe descrito abajo está ahora disponible con subtitulos en español.

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que le MOOC produit à ESCP Europe sur le développement des affaires en Europe est disponible avec sous-titres en français.

We inform all those who are interested in discovering how it is possible to develop business in Europe of the existence of a new MOOC, produced in and by ESCP Europe.

See below.

ESCP Europe launches new MOOC “Doing Business in Europe”


ESCP Europe business school is to launch a new MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) called ‘Doing Business in Europe’, starting on November 27, 2017.

The programme has been designed by Béatrice Collin, Professor in Strategy and International Management and Florence Pinot de Villechenon, Professor in International Affairs, specifically to teach international businesspeople how best to conduct business in Europe and with the Europeans.

The course will feature input from a dozen leading ESCP Europe faculty across marketing, supply chain management, finance, human resources and strategy, and as many experts who will share their experience. MOOC has a real international pedagogical dimension thanks to the sharing of experiences of 10 Alumni leaders and entrepreneurs. In San Francisco, Munich, Zurich, London, Beijing, Beijing and Paris, Alumni such as Jean-Jacques Bienaimé, CEO of BioMarin Pharmaceutical or Elisabeth Cazorla, Director of ready-to-wear clothing at Galeries Lafayette, shared their pragmatic and forward-looking experience of developing their activities in Europe.

The MOOC will be divided into 5 topics covering the key issues when doing business in Europe:

  • Approaching European markets
  • Innovating in Europe
  • Investing in Europe
  • Building the value chain
  • Integrating diversity

Participants will benefit from ESCP Europe’s unique position as the world’s only pan-European business school with 6 campuses across the continent in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Turin and Warsaw.

By the end of the programme participants will be better equipped to design and scale a European business strategy.

Beatrice Collin says “Doing business in Europe is complex, but as a major global trading block international business leaders should embrace the opportunities on offer here. This MOOC has been designed by Management professors with an unrivalled perspective on how best to plan and execute business in Europe from a global perspective – and should be taken by anyone looking to develop business here.”

This MOOC is financed by the ESCP Europe Foundation.  Is available in English with subtitles in English and, soon, in French and Spanish. The first session started on November 27, 2017.


Currently open for registration, you can find the new MOOC on the platform of our partner, Coursera:

ESCP Europe Business school

About ESCP Europe

Established in 1819, ESCP Europe has educated generations of leaders and entrepreneurs. With its six urban campuses in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin and Warsaw, ESCP Europe’s true European identity enables the provision of a unique style of cross-cultural business education and a global perspective on international management issues. ESCP Europe welcomes 4,600 students and 5,000 executives from 102 different nations every year, offering them a wide range of general management and specialized programmes (Bachelor, Masters, MBA, Executive MBA, PhD and Executive Education).


About the ESCP Europe Foundation

Created on the initiative of Alumni, the ESCP Europe Foundation has been recognised as a public utility since 18 March 2012. It aims to support ESCP Europe’s ambition and academic excellence through 4 axes: scholarships and diversity, research for excellence, pedagogical innovation and the influence of the ESCP Europe brand. It appeals to the generosity of the Alumni ESCP Europe community and to corporate philanthropy.

CERALE-UNIANDES International Conference, May 30 – June 1, 2018

Fotos Coloquio 2018

CERALE-Uniandes International Conference

«Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development. Rethinking the European-American relationship in a disrupted world»

30th of May -1st of June 2018 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

«Innovation, Entrepreneuriat et Développement durable. Repenser la relation Europe – Amériques dans un monde en disruption» 

Cartagena de Indias, Colombie, 30 mai – 1er juin 2018



Organisé en partenariat avec l’Université de los Andes (Colombie), ce colloque s’inscrit dans la continuité du Colloque IdA-EULAC-CERALE 2016 organisé à Paris en 2016 sous le thème «Affinités électives Europe – Amérique latine Caraïbes, pour contribuer au développement durable».
Fidèle à la vocation du CERALE, le Colloque 2018 adopte la perspective des regards croisés: nouvelles approches théoriques, nouvelles interprétations, nouvelles pratiques adoptées par les chercheurs, professionnels et dirigeants des deux côtés de l’Atlantique dans les divers domaines du management qui seront abordés dans les différentes sessions, tables rondes et conférences.
Cette rencontre est co-financée dans le cadre du partenariat stratégique entre Institut des Amériques et la Fondation EU-LAC et fait partie de la «Semaine de l’Amérique latine».

Coorganizado con la Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), este coloquio se sitúa en la prolongación del Coloquio IdA-EULAC-CERALE 2016 organizado en París en 2016 sobre «Management intercultural y afinidades electivas Europa – América Latina y Caribe, para contribuir a un desarrollo sustentable».

Conforme a la misión de CERALE,  el Coloquio 2018 adopta la perspectiva de las miradas cruzadas: nuevos enfoques teóricos, nuevas interpretaciones, nuevas prácticas adoptadas por los investigadores, profesionales y dirigentes de ambos lados del Atlántico en los diversos campos de la administración que serán tratados en las diferentes sesiones, mesas redondas y conferencias.

Este encuentro goza del apoyo financiero del Institut des Amériques y de la Fundación EU-LAC en el marco de su asociación estratégica y forma parte de la «Semana de América Latina» 2018.



Professor Alfredo Behrens at ESCP Europe – London Campus, January 25

 «There is no unique form of management suitable for all cultures»,  by  Professor Alfredo Behrens, January 25, ESCP Europe’s London campus.

When people more fitting to clannish organisations are managed in the predominant North American style, they respond with lifeless foot-dragging, as at subsidiaries of multinationals in developing countries.

Dr. Behrens will discuss the idea that when managing subsidiaries, organisations must listen to what makes the workers there tick and, consequently, develop ways to integrate locally sensitive management to reporting and control systems at headquarters.

Alfredo Behrens has recently published the book Gaucho Dialogues on Leadership and Management, which storifies the relationship between leaders and followers of Latin American rebellions. Such rebellions lasted several years, some more than a decade, taking place before Harvard Business School existed – at a time we had our own ideas on good-fit leadership and management practices. His book tour, of which this event is part, is sponsored by FIA Business School.

How to Attend
Places are strictly limited and filling up fast! The event is open to all academics, graduate students, alumni and practitioners – external guests are very welcome. Book your complimentary seat by visiting

ESCP Europe launches new MOOC “Doing Business in Europe”

A todos aquellos que están interesados en descubrir cómo es posible desarrollar negocios en Europa les informamos de la existencia de un nuevo MOOC, producido en y por ESCP Europe. Ver abajo.

We inform all those who are interested in discovering how it is possible to develop business in Europe of the existence of a new MOOC, produced in and by ESCP Europe.See below.

ESCP Europe business school launches a new MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) called ‘Doing Business in Europe’, starting on November 27, 2017.

The programme has been designed by Béatrice Collin, Professor in Strategy and International Management and Florence Pinot de Villechenon, Professor in International Affairs, specifically to teach international businesspeople how best to conduct business in Europe and with the Europeans.

The course will feature input from a dozen leading ESCP Europe faculty across marketing, supply chain management, finance, human resources and strategy, and as many experts who will share their experience. MOOC has a real international pedagogical dimension thanks to the sharing of experiences of 10 Alumni leaders and entrepreneurs. In San Francisco, Munich, Zurich, London, Beijing, Beijing and Paris, Alumni such as Jean-Jacques Bienaimé, CEO of BioMarin Pharmaceutical or Elisabeth Cazorla, Director of ready-to-wear clothing at Galeries Lafayette, shared their pragmatic and forward-looking experience of developing their activities in Europe.

The MOOC will be divided into 5 topics covering the key issues when doing business in Europe:

  • Approaching European markets
  • Innovating in Europe
  • Investing in Europe
  • Building the value chain
  • Integrating diversity

Participants will benefit from ESCP Europe’s unique position as the world’s only pan-European business school with 6 campuses across the continent in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Turin and Warsaw.

By the end of the programme participants will be better equipped to design and scale a European business strategy.

Beatrice Collin says “Doing business in Europe is complex, but as a major global trading block international business leaders should embrace the opportunities on offer here. This MOOC has been designed by Management professors with an unrivalled perspective on how best to plan and execute business in Europe from a global perspective – and should be taken by anyone looking to develop business here.”

This MOOC is financed by the ESCP Europe Foundation.  Is available in English with subtitles in English and, soon, in French and Spanish. The first session started on November 27, 2017.

Currently open for registration, you can find the new MOOC on the platform of our partner, Coursera:

ESCP Europe Business school

About ESCP Europe

Established in 1819, ESCP Europe has educated generations of leaders and entrepreneurs. With its six urban campuses in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin and Warsaw, ESCP Europe’s true European identity enables the provision of a unique style of cross-cultural business education and a global perspective on international management issues. ESCP Europe welcomes 4,600 students and 5,000 executives from 102 different nations every year, offering them a wide range of general management and specialized programmes (Bachelor, Masters, MBA, Executive MBA, PhD and Executive Education).

About the ESCP Europe Foundation

Created on the initiative of Alumni, the ESCP Europe Foundation has been recognised as a public utility since 18 March 2012. It aims to support ESCP Europe’s ambition and academic excellence through 4 axes: scholarships and diversity, research for excellence, pedagogical innovation and the influence of the ESCP Europe brand. It appeals to the generosity of the Alumni ESCP Europe community and to corporate philanthropy.

Internationalisation de la PME et développement régional, regards croisés France-Colombie

Dans le cadre de l’ «Année France-Colombie», CERALE et la Universidad de los Andes ont organisé le 6 octobre 2017, en collaboration avec la CCI Paris Ile de France et Lexplana Avocats, un séminaire  sur
Le rôle de l´internationalisation de la PME dans le développement régional et dans la croissance. 
Analyses croisées et dynamique des affaires France – Colombie
Ce séminaire a bénéficié du soutien de l’Institut des Amériques, de SINDUP, de BARNIER SARL et de PROCOLOMBIA.
Pour accéder à la table ronde de clôture en version complète cf.
En el marco del «Año Colombia-Francia», CERALE y la Universidad de los Andes organizaron el 6 de octubre de 2017, junto con la CCI Paris Ile de France y Lexplana Avocats, un seminario sobre
El papel de la internacionalización de la PyME en el desarrollo regional y en el crecimiento. 
Análisis cruzados y dinámicas de negocios Francia – Colombia
Dicho seminario contó con el apoyo del Institut des Amériques, de SINDUP, de BARNIER SARL et de PROCOLOMBIA.
Para acceder a la versión completa de la mesa redonda ver

ESCP Europe Alumni meeting at INSPER, São Paulo, October 16

As every year since 2001, ​CERALE organized, ​in the framework of ​the EMBA Global Leadership Seminar in Brazil, ​a pannel session with managers and Alumni operating in Brazil​.
The meeting took place on Monday evening October 16 at INSPER about
«Digital Economy in Brazil: some perceptions and experiences from European entrepreneurs «
and counted with presentations from :
  • Frédéric DONIER, Managing Partner CRESCENDO and Ambassador FrenchFounders Brazil : «Leading business and digital transformation in Brazil: opportunities and challenges»
  • Eloi DECHERY, CEO & Founder ZARPO
  • Xavier LECLERC​, co-organizator of  RioFuturo Conference

Séminaire CERALE à Paris le 6 octobre «PME Internationalisation et Développement régional – France-Colombie»

Dans le cadre de l’ «Année France-Colombie», CERALE a le plaisir de vous inviter le vendredi 6 octobre à 14h (accueil à partir de 13h30), ESCP Europe Campus République, au séminaire qu’il organise avec la Universidad de los Andes, la CCI Paris Ile de France et Lexplana Avocats  sur
Le rôle de l´internationalisation de la PME dans le développement régional et dans la croissance. 
Analyses croisées et dynamique des affaires France – Colombie
Ce séminaire bénéficie du soutien de l’Institut des Amériques, de SINDUP, de BARNIER SARL et de de PROCOLOMBIA.
Programme : voir ci-joint
Langue de travail: français
Lieu : 79 avenue de la République, métro Saint-Maur, ligne 3, Amphi Gélis
En el marco del «Año Colombia-Francia», CERALE tiene el gusto de invitarlo el viernes 6 de octubre a las 14h (acogida a partir de las 13h30), en ESCP Europe campus République, al seminario que organiza con la Universidad de los Andes, la CCI Paris Ile de France y Lexplana Avocats sobre 
El papel de la internacionalización de la PyME en el desarrollo regional y en el crecimiento. 
Análisis cruzados y dinámicas de negocios Francia – Colombia
Este seminario cuenta con el apoyo del Institut des Amériques, de SINDUP, de BARNIER SARL et de PROCOLOMBIA.
Programa: ver documento adjunto
Lugar: 79 avenue de la République, metro Saint-Maur, línea 3, Amphi Gélis

Prof. Michael Troege at Universidad de Chile – 22 sept. 2017

Cheap Talk and Strategic Rounding in LIBOR Submissions  (with Angel Hernando-Veciana)

This paper constructs a model of directed search in the interbanking market and tests its empirical implications with data from the LIBOR benchmark setting process. Interbanking rates were until recently based on judgmental estimates of borrowing costs published by a panel of banks. We interpret this as a cheap talk game that allowed banks to communicate nonveriable information about their borrowing costs to potential counterparties. Under normal market conditions there is a welfare maximizing equilibrium where banks truthfully disclose their borrowing cost even if misstating costs is not penalized, but, in times of financial stress, only equilibria survive, in which submissions are partially revealing of the bank’s true borrowing rate. We take this prediction to the data and show that, indeed, the precision of the panel banks’ individual estimates is chosen strategically. Banks round more frequently if the perceived riskiness of the bank increases. Rounding is also more frequent for the more liquid short term rates and for certain benchmark maturities. We discuss the implications of our results for the design of benchmark setting mechanisms and the ongoing LIBOR lawsuits


Michael Troege
Department Chair | Finance


Established in 1819, ESCP Europe is the world’s oldest business school and has educated generations of leaders and entrepreneurs.

With its five urban campuses in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, and Torino, ESCP Europe’s true European Identity enables the provision of a unique style of cross-cultural business education and a Global Perspective on international management issues.

Go to site: