CERALE-EGADE 2020, Mexico city, May 27-29 (English)

New deadline for submissions until February 16, 2020
New technological, managerial and social dynamics for a sustainable Europe-Americas relationship
This central theme will highlight the impact of new technologies on organisations (factory of the future, Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and big data, etc.), on markets and on consumer trends (the transition from a possessive economy to a participative economy), in addition to their effects on the social, solidarity-based and inclusive economy.
Academic sessions 1. Back to black? Intercultural management in an increasingly uncertain global economy 2. International dynamics 3. Finance and macroeconomics 4. Entrepreneurship 5. Leadership and Governance: Back to a Contextualized Future! 6. Management of family-run businesses 7. Social innovation and sustainability 8. Conscious marketing and retail 9. Public policy, public management and public services in the digital age 10. Global and local value chains 11. Ecosystems of innovation: main managerial and strategic approaches, challenges and opportunities for evolution |
Abstracts Language:Proposals can be written in Spanish, English, French or Portuguese. Extension:1000 words maximum Deadline for receiving abstracts: February 16, 2020 Announcement of the results by the Scientific Committee:March 15, 2020 To send abstracts and see instructions, EasyChair:https://easychair.org/cfp/CERALE_2020 |
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