
 Doctor in «Sociétés Occidentales»
Associate Professor

Economics, Law and Social Sciences
Academic Director of the CERALE
(Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche
Amérique Latine – Europe)

Campus : Paris
Tel : +33 1 49 23 20 82


Florence Pinot de Villechenon

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Law and Social Sciences, ESCP Europe Doctor in “Sociétés occidentales – option Histoire” (Université de Paris VII), Graduate of the Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Florence Pinot de Villechenon is associate Professor at ESCP Europe Paris campus. She is a graduate of the Universidad de Buenos Aires and the Université de Paris IV – Sorbonne. She holds a Doctorate in «Sociétés occidentales – option Histoire» from Université de Paris VII.

Professor Pinot de Villechenon has been Academic Coordinator for Latin America at ESCP Europe since 1993. She is a lecturer in Hispanic Civilisation, Business Environment in Latin America, in International Relations and in Policies and Strategies of Cooperation (EU / Latin America).

She conducts research in the Latin-American Policies of the European Union and in the Strategies of International Cooperation with Emerging Countries as well as in the area of cultural project management (e.g. international exhibitions). She has headed the CERALE research centre (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Amérique latine Europe) at ESCP Europe since 2001.

Professor Pinot is currently researching European investment in Latin America.

She also works as a consultant for the French Foreign Office and and the Ministry of Higher Education for academic cooperation with Latin America and member of the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in France, of the Foro de Profesionales Argentinos en Francia and the Friends of Mexico in France. She participated in the ExpoFrance 2025 as member of the Committee of Founders.

She is a member of the Technical Committee of OBREALE (Observatorio de las Relaciones América Latina Europa) in Biarritz and teaches at the Institut des Hautes Etudes d’Amérique latine.

The following is an inexhaustive list of Professor Pinot’s publications : «A Brazilian Subsidary in France : Human Resource Management in Adaptive Mode” with Maral Murabetkova, ESCP Europe, Journal of Business Strategy, Sept-Oct. 2013; “Los perímetros regionales latinoamericanos a la luz de la crisis y de la globalización”, IdeAs Idées d’Amériques, n°4, June 2013; «Le Mexique est-il toujours latino-américain ?», Problèmes Economiques, 7 July 2010, n° 2999, pp 45-47; La mondialisation et ses effets : nouveaux débats, nouvelles approches (dir.), Revue du Changement social, éd. L’Harmattan, 2006 ; « La latinidad : una cuestión de afinidad cultural en las relaciones eurolatinoamericanas », Homenaje a Carlos A. Ronchi March, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2003 ; « Les représentations de l’Europe et de l’Argentine à l’heure de la crise », Pour comprendre la crise argentine, D. Rolland et J. Chassin éditeurs, Ed. L’Harmattan, janvier 2003 ; Fêtes géantes. Les expositions universelles pour quoi faire ?, Ed. L’Harmattan, coll. Essais, 2000.


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