
Innovative Female Entrepreneurship / Emprendimiento femenino innovador / Entrepreneuriat féminin innovant. Latin American cases

CERALE tiene el gusto de anunciar la publicación del siguiente capítulo:

 «The role of the family environment in innovative female entrepreneurship in Latin America: cases from Colombia, Peru, and Argentina», por L.M. Ferro, N. Matos et F. Pinot de Villechenon in Diana Book Women, Family and Family Businesses Across Entrepreneurial Contexts, chap 4, part 2. Edited by Séverine Le Loarne – Lemaire et al.,  2022 ed. ELGARonline
La investigación fue en parte financiada por EERF, fondo de investigación de ESCP Business School.

CERALE is pleased to announce the publication of the chapter mentioned above. The research has been partly financed by EERF, ESCP Business School’s research fund.

CERALE a le plaisir d’annoncer la publication du chapitre mentionné plus haut. La recherche a été partiellement financée par EERF, le fonds de recherche de ESCP Business School.

  • Abstract
    We explore the distinct roles that family environment plays in the dynamics of Innovative Female Entrepreneurship (IFE), in Latin America, applying the family embeddedness perspective (Aldrich & Cliff, 2003). Contrasting cases in three Latin American countries we found that IFE emerges in evolving contexts, affecting family environments, values, and women’s empowerment. Family environments and entrepreneurship reinforce each other. Prior to entrepreneurship, families cement values of women’s identity construction and their motivation for entrepreneurship; later, beyond moral support, the extended family moderate’s decision making and leverages tangible and intangible resources (knowledge, networks). Imbued in a family environment, women entrepreneurs reaffirm their identity, purposes and nurture the continuous formation and exploitation of value-generating opportunities. In turn, women entrepreneurs catalyze changes in households that bring equity and greater work-family balance.

Parution – Management international-Mi

CERALE informe de la parution de l’article

Pinot De Villechenon, F. ; Chanlat, J.-F. & López Rizzo, H. (2021). Proximité culturelle perçue et présence sur un marché étranger : Les enseignements d’une recherche menée auprès de dirigeants de PME latino-européennes présentes au Brésil. Management international-Mi, 25(6), 208-227.


En attendant la finalisation de la refonte du site de Mi, ce texte peut être consulté sur la plateforme Érudit.

Estrategias multicadena y resiliencia. Casos de exportación exitosos en la crisis argentina de inicios de siglo, por J. Walter, J. Ruffier y H. Manson

CERALE tiene el gusto de anunciar la publicación del artículo «Estrategias multicadena y resiliencia. Casos de exportación exitosos en la crisis argentina de inicios de siglo» de J. Walter, J. Ruffier y H. Manson en Cuadernos del CENDES, año 35, n°99, sep.-dic. de 2018, pág. 97-129, ed. por el Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Dicho artículo se apoya en la comunicación presentada en el Coloquio CERALE-UniAndes 2018.

CERALE est heureux d’annoncer la parution de l’article «Estrategias multicadena y resiliencia. Casos de exportación exitosos en la crisis argentina de inicios de siglo» de J. Walter, J. Ruffier et H. Manson in Cuadernos del CENDES, año 35, n°99, sep.-déc. de 2018, pag. 97-129, ed. par le Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. L’article s’appuie sur la communication présentée au Colloque CERALE-UniAndes 2018.


Adapting a Lean Production Program to National Institutions in Latin America: Danone in Argentina and Brazil

This article argues that national institutions identified in the varieties of capitalism approach have a significant impact on the degree of fidelity and extensiveness of best practices adapted by geocentric multinational corporations in host countries in emerging markets. To illustrate this argument it shows how differences in national institutions between Brazil and Argentina caused Danone to adapt a lean production in radically different ways in each of these countries.

Both of the programs implemented had low degrees of fidelity and extensiveness to the original best practice.

This article contends that in Argentina strong labor laws and the ability of unions to negotiate significant salary increases combined with a desire of workers to have individual pride in their jobs caused Danone to empower them individually instead of creating teams as foreseen in this company’s original lean production program. In Brazil the weakness of unions combined with labor laws that promote employee turnover and the desire of workers to improve their salaries caused this company neither to empower workers nor create teams. Instead, it motivated workers by providing them the previously unavailable opportunity to become a manager.

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SMEs Internationalization Europe – Latin America

Since the 1980s, SMEs have been regarded as one of the vectors of European-Latin American relations.

This article is based on qualitative studies carried out by CERALE on the internationalization of French SMEs in Mexico and the experience of Southern European SMEs in Brazil.


Le Brésil et le nouvel échiquier régional latino-américain (2014)

Article de Charles-Henry Chenut, Accomex, Brésil: Un pari gagnant à long terme, n°110-111, mars-avril 2014, pp 16-18.

Consulter l’éditorial, le sommaire et les résumés de ce numéro

Le Brésil est-il accessible aux PME ? (2014)

Article Florence Pinot de Villechenon et Humberto López Rizzo, Accomex, Brésil : Un pari gagnant à long terme, n°110-111, mars-avril 2014, pp 82-84.

Consulter l’éditorial, le sommaire et les résumés de ce numéro

Seminario Cerale 2012 “Nuevos desafíos y enfoques sobre planeamiento estratégico en el sector público”


El 16 y 17 de julio, José Inostroza, Director Ejecutivo del Centro de Sistemas Públicos (CSP) y Javier Fuenzalida, Director de Investigación del CSP, participaron en el Seminario CERALE 2012 “Nuevos desafíos y enfoques sobre planeamiento estratégico en el sector público”.

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Cahier d’Etude

An analysis of Mexico’s international competitiveness

Kay Hoffmann
Sous la direction de Florence Pinot de Villechenon

PDF: An analysis of Mexico’s international competitiveness

Le Mexique est-il toujours latino-américain ? (2010)

Article de Florence Pinot de Villechenon, repris dans Problèmes économiques, La documentation française, n°2 9997 juillet 2010, pp. 45-47.

Sommaire de ce numéro


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